Workshop on Low Dimensional Quantum Gases

March 19-22, 2023
São Paulo, Brazil
Principia Institute
Event will be livestreamed on Youtube (see Program page for links)
Originally, this workshop was led by the late Prof. Mahir Hussein who organized alternating workshops on Nuclear Physics and on Ultracold Atoms and Chaos. Pursuing his ideals, the upcoming São Paulo Workshop deals with Ultracold Atoms. Since the realization of experiments with ultracold atoms in the 90’s, a new field has emerged with themes like atomic Bose-Einstein condensation, BEC-BCS crossover with fermionic atoms, and quantum phase transitions, for instance, with atoms in optical lattices, quantum fluids, nonlinear waves in quantum fluids, etc. In recent years, attention has focused on these systems in constrained geometries, as exemplified most prominently by the recent bubble trap experiments in the Cold Atom Laboratory of the International Space Station. For these reasons, we have decided to focus this workshop on low-dimensional quantum gas physics.
In addition to the invited talks there will be space for contributing posters that will be displayed during the coffee breaks.
This activity will be preceded by the “School on Light and Cold Atoms“. Candidates may apply either for one or both activities.
There is no registration fee.
- Arnaldo Gammal (IFUSP, Brazil)
- Axel Pelster (Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Confirmed Speakers
Book of abstracts: PDF updated on March 17, 2023
- Sadhan Adhikari (IFT-UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil): Supersolids in Bose-Einstein condensates
- Vanderlei Bagnato (IFSC Sao Carlos, Brazil): Characterization of a far from equilibrium BEC: from turbulence to scalability relations
- Jordi Boronat (UPC-Barcelona, Spain): Quantum dipoles in two dimensions
- Monica Caracanhas (IFSC Sao Carlos, Brazil): Superfluid vortex dynamics on curved surfaces
- Patricia Castilho (IFSC Sao Carlos, Brazil): Townes soliton in a planar Bose gas
- Lauriane Chomaz (University of Heidelberg, Germany): Exotic many-body states in dipolar quantum Bose gases of magnetic atoms
- Tobias Frederico (ITA-Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil): Few-boson limit cycles and discrete scale symmetry in integer and non-integer dimensions
- Randy Hulet (Rice University, Houston, USA): Spin-charge separation with ultra-cold atoms
- Nathan Lundblad (Bates College, Maine , USA): Studying ultracold bubbles in orbital microgravity with the NASA Cold Atom Laboratory
- Tommaso Macri (UFRN, Brazil): The ubiquity of the quantum boomerang effect in Anderson-localized systems
- Anna Minguzzi (CNRS-Grenoble, France): Persistent currents for ultracold fermions on a ring
- Nick Proukakis (Newcastle University, UK): Criticality, quench dynamics and phase ordering in ultracold gases
- Francisco dos Santos (UFSCar, Sao Carlos, Brazil): Bose-Einstein condensates and the thin-shell limit in anisotropic bubble traps
- Julian Schmitt (University of Bonn, Germany): Compressibility and the equation of state of a two-dimensional optical quantum gas in a box
- Marzena Szymanska (University College London, UK): Novel Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Quantum Fluids of Light
- Hugo Terças (IST-Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal): Solitonic turbulence in low-dimensional quantum fluids
- Lauro Tomio (IFT-UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil): Dynamical vortex production with periodic time-dependent perturbation applied to dipolar and non-dipolar BEC mixtures
- Silvio Vitiello (UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil): Ionic polaron in a degenerate Fermi gas
- Paramjeet Banger (Indian Institute of Technology-Ropar, India): Effective potentials in rotating spin-orbit coupled BECs
- Mateus Biscassi (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil and INPHYNI – Université Côte D’Azur, France): From Classical to Quantum Loss of Coherence Probed by Intensity Correlations in a Large Atomic Cloud
- Robert Guzman (Universidad de la Frontera, Chile): Complex vector light fields propagation in atomic systems
- Leandro Machado (Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Brazil): Excitation of Bose-Einstein condensates with temporal resolution in separate zones
- Lucas Madeira (University of São Paulo – São Carlos, Brazil): Core structure of two-dimensional Fermi gas vortices in the BEC-BCS crossover region
- Áttis Vinícius M. Marino (Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Brazil): Observables’ evolution of a trapped quantum gas
- Sheilla de Oliveira Marques (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil): Effective potentials on bubble-traps
- Lucas Mendicino (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina): Towards deep laser cooling of the internal an external motion of trapped nano-particles
- Leon Mixa (Universität Hamburg, Germany): Enhancing quantum fluctuations in strongly entangled cavity BEC systems
- Muriel (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina):
- John Alejandro Montilla Ortega (Universidad del Valle, Colombia): Use of the basis of spin coherent states and quadrupolar states in the description of spin-1 lattice bosons
- Vinicius Zampronio Pedroso (Utrecht University, the Netherlands): Chiral superconductivity in the doped triangular-lattice Fermi-Hubbard model in two dimensions
- Sabari (IFT-UNESP, Brazil): Dynamics of vortices in the Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate
- Abhik Kumar Saha (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India): Dynamical phase diagram of a one-dimensional Bose gas in a box with a tunable weak link: From Bose-Josephson oscillations to shock waves
- Leonardo Brito da Silva (University of São Paulo, Brazil): Stability of the Bose-Einstein condensate mixtures on the bubble
- Jonata Santos Soares (IFUSP, Brazil): Bose gases in a cylinder in canonical ensemble
- Renan da Silva Souza (UFSCar, Brazil): Excitations of the disordered Bose-Hubbard model
- Santiago Zamora (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil): Classical Analog of the Quantum Boomerang effect
Workshop program: PDF updated on March 17, 2023
Book of abstracts: PDF updated on March 17, 2023
Youtube live streaming links:
Sunday morning
Sunday afternoon
Monday morning
Monday afternoon
Tuesday morning
Tuesday afternoon
Wednesday morning
Videos and Files
10:10 - Nathan Lundblad (Bates College, Maine , USA):
Studying ultracold bubbles in orbital microgravity with the NASA Cold Atom Laboratory
11:30 - Francisco dos Santos (S˜ao Carlos, Brazil):
Bose-Einstein condensates and the thin-shell limit in anisotropic bubble traps
14:00 - Monica Caracanhas (São Carlos, Brazil):
Superfluid vortex dynamics on curved surfaces
15:20 - Randall Hulet (Rice University, USA):
Spin-charge separation with ultra-cold atoms
16:20 - Silvio Vitiello (UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil):
Ionic polaron in a degenerate Fermi gas
09:00 - Vanderlei Bagnato (São Carlos, Brazil):
Characterization of a far from equilibrium BEC: from turbulence to scalability relations
10:00 - Patricia Castilho (São Carlos, Brazil):
Townes soliton in a planar Bose gas
11:20 - Hugo Terças (Lisboa, Portugal):
Solitonic turbulence in low-dimensional quantum fluids
14:00 - Anna Minguzzi (Grenoble, France):
Persistent currents in one-dimensional Fermi gases on a ring
15:20 - Nick Proukakis (Newcastle, UK):
Criticality, quench dynamics and phase ordering in ultracold gases
09:00 - Julian Schmitt (University of Bonn, Germany):
Compressibility and the equation of state of a two-dimensional optical quantum gas in a box
10:00 - Marzena Szymanska (University College London, UK):
Novel Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Quantum Fluids of Light
11:20 - Lauriane Chomaz (University of Heidelberg, Germany):
Exotic many-body states in dipolar quantum Bose gases of magnetic atoms
14:00 - Jordi Boronat (Barcelona, Spain):
Quantum dipoles in two dimensions
15:20 - Sadhan Adhikari (S˜ao Paulo, Brazil):
Supersolids in Bose-Einstein condensates
09:00 - Tobias Frederico (São José dos Campos, Brazil):
Few-boson limit cycles and discrete scale symmetry in integer and non-integer dimensions
10:00 - Tommaso Macri (Natal, Brazil):
The ubiquity of the quantum boomerang effect in Anderson-localized systems
11:20 - Lauro Tomio (São Paulo, Brazil):
Dynamical vortex production with periodic time-dependent perturbation applied to dipolar and non-dipolar BEC mixtures
12:20 - Axel Pelster (Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany):
Concluding remarks
Additional Information
Registration: ALL participants should register. The registration will be on March 19 (Sunday) at the Institute Principia (Rua Pamplona 145, next to the hotel), from 09:00 am to 10:00 am.
List of Participants: Updated on March 22, 2023
BOARDING PASS: All participants, whose travel has been provided or will be reimbursed by ICTP-SAIFR, should bring the boarding pass upon registration. The return boarding pass (PDF, if online check-in, scan or picture, if physical) should be sent to by e-mail.
COVID-19: Fully vaccinated Brazilians and foreigners are required to present proof of vaccination, printed or electronically before boarding an international flight. Not vaccinated and not fully vaccinated passengers have to present a medical certificate with a negative test result before entering the country. Tests should be taken up to 24 hours before boarding.
Visa information: Nationals from several countries in Latin America and Europe are exempt from tourist visa. Nationals from Australia, Canada, Japan and USA are exempt from tourist visa until October 1st, 2023. Please check here which nationals need a tourist visa to enter Brazil.
Poster presentation: Participants who are presenting a poster MUST BRING A BANNER PRINTED. The banner size should be at most 1 m (width) x 1,5 m (length). We do not accept A4 or A3 paper. Click here to see what a banner looks like:
Accommodation: Participants, whose accommodation will be provided by the institute, will stay at The Universe Flat. Hotel recommendations are available here
How to reach the Principia Institute: The workshop will be held at Principia Institute of the Institute for Theoretical Physics Foundation, located at Rua Pamplona, 145, 50 meters away from the hotel Universe Flat.