Minicourse on Light from the Neutrinos

May 9-14, 2024
ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil
Venue: Principia Institute
Zoom ID: 863 5400 6323
Password: neutrinos
Neutrinos are one of the most abundant known particles in the universe, yet the least understood ones. I will cover two main aspects in my lectures: (a) how neutrinos can shed light on new physics, and (b) how neutrinos can develop electromagnetic interactions (with light), while discussing the correlation between neutrino mass and neutrino magnetic moment, despite the fact that neutrinos in the Standard Model are immune to electromagnetic interactions.
These lectures are designed for graduate students of all levels who are interested in delving deeper into neutrino theory and phenomenology. We will explore recent advancements in neutrino model building, experimental anomalies, and neutrino astrophysics.
There is no registration.
- Sudip Jana (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany)
- Chee Sheng Fong (UFABC, Brazil)
- Yago Porto (UFABC, Brazil)
Lecture 1: Light from the Neutrinos – Part 1
Lecture 2: Light from the Neutrinos – Part 2
Lecture 3: Light from the Neutrinos – Part 3
After each lecture, there will be time (~1 hour) for discussions on relevant topics in neutrino physics and astrophysics.
Additional Information
How to reach the Principia Institute: The minicourse will be held at Principia Institute of the Institute for Theoretical Physics Foundation, located at Rua Pamplona, 145.