Postdoc/Group leader in non-equilibrium quantum many body theory at ICTP-SAIFR (São Paulo) and NEUQUAM (Mainz)
We are looking for a researcher to lead a team on non-equilibrium quantum many body theory at the ICTP-SAIFR center in São Paulo, who will work in close collaboration with Prof. J. Marino and his team (NEUQUAM) at the University of Mainz in Germany ( Our medium-term goal is to establish a small research group at ICTP-SAIFR working on quantum dynamics of many-particles systems.
The selected candidate will receive a postdoctoral fellowship from the São Paulo State Research Funding Agency (FAPESP), and will have access to ICTP-SAIFR and NEUQUAM funding for travel and visitors. Qualified/experienced candidates can also apply for a more senior position as Young Investigator Fellow (FAPESP). The fellowship is for 3 to 5 years, and includes the possibility of spending one year as a visitor of Prof. Marino’s group in Germany. The researcher will also be able to collaborate with the CMSP Section of The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste ( In addition, funding for Master´s and PhD students is available through Brazilian funding agencies. The team will be located at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of UNESP in downtown São Paulo. The group leader hired with this call, and their PhD students, will be officially affiliated to the NEUQUAM group in Mainz, with the possibility to access local computing resources and facilities.
The selected candidate should have a background in the dynamics of quantum many body problems, with expertise in one or more of these areas: quantum optics; cold atoms; open quantum systems; dynamics of quantum information; quantum circuits and devices; strongly correlated systems; condensed matter physics; field theory methods for many-particle systems.
The researcher will be able to receive extensive training in analytical and numerical methods as well as mentorship in team leading skills by working in close collaboration with Prof. Marino. The goal is to establish at ICTP-SAIFR an expertise in modern topics in the field of non-equilibrium many body systems, with focus on (i) strongly correlated many body cavity QED, (ii) quantum information at the interface of solid state and quantum optics, and (iii) control of NISQ devices. The appointed candidate should be a highly-motivated, qualified, and independent researcher, with the long-term career goal of leading a group on non-equilibrium quantum dynamics in South America.
Review of the applications will start immediately, and job interviews will be held approximately every 3 weeks until the position is filled. Interested candidates should arrange for the following application material to be sent to
1) curriculum vitae (highlighting 3-4 key publications);
2) full list of publications;
3) names and e-mail contacts of 3 researchers for reference letters;
4) a motivation letter of 2 pages which addresses in details the key items of this call, with links to previous research experience of the candidate.
ICTP-SAIFR is committed to increasing the proportion of underrepresented minorities in science.