Latin American Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure
April 30 – May 1, 2019
ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil
Auditorium of IFT-UNESP

It is widely recognized that large-scale long-term science collaborations deliver lasting benefits to participating nations. Most of these collaborations require large infrastructure. As is done in Europe, the coordination of resources for these large infrastructures among different countries in Latin America is desirable in order to optimize efforts. With the support of many countries and institutions, the initiative for a Latin American Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure (LASF4RI) was presented at the Meeting of the Iberoamerican Ministers for Science and Technology last year, and was included in the final declaration that was ratified at a subsequent meeting of the Heads of State. This 2-day workshop is the first step in bringing together the LA scientific community to discuss these issues with heads of funding agencies (taking advantage of the meeting of the Global Research Council at FAPESP), with major science policy makers and also with representatives of large collaborations in the region in the areas of Particle Physics and Cosmology.
There is no registration fee.
Confirmed Speakers:
- João Luiz Azevedo (President of CNPq, Brazil): Roundtable
- Xavier Bertou (CNEA/CONICET, Argentina): ANDES
- Lidia Brito (Director of UNESCO Montevideo Office): UNESCO perspectives
- Marcela Carena (Fermilab & University of Chicago, USA): Conclusion
- Benjamín Marticorena Castillo (CONICYT, Peru): Roundtable
- Carlos Henrique Brito Cruz (Science Director of FAPESP & UNICAMP, Brazil): FAPESP Strategy for Research Infrastructures
- Sebastián Eslava (Director of Innovation and Technological Development, Colciencias, Colombia): Roundtable
- Nigel S. Lockyer (Director of Fermilab): Fermilab and the P5 Process
- Andres Lopez (National Contact Point of CONICYT, Chile): Roundtable
- Luciano Maiani Universitá di Roma, Italy): European-Latin American cooperation
- Salvatore Mele (CERN, Switzerland): CERN and the European Strategy in Particle Physics
- Claudia M. Guerrero Monteza (Director of Cooperación Internacional of SENACYT, Panama): Roundtable
- Oscar Cóbar Pinto (General Secretary of Guatemala Funding Agency and Programa Ibero-Americano de Ciência e Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento – CYTED, Guatemala): Roundtable
- Fernando Quevedo (Director of ICTP-Trieste, Italy & Cambridge University, UK): Introduction to LASF4RI
- Antonio José Roque da Silva (Director-General of National Center for Research in Materials and Energy-CNPEM, Brazil): The Sirius Synchrotron Light Source: an open research infrastructure
- Martha Rosas (Acting Director for International Cooperation in CONACYT, Mexico): Roundtable
- Rogério Rosenfeld (IFT-UNESP/ICTP-SAIFR, Brazil): Introduction
- Giorgio Rossi (Universita di Milano, Italy): ESFRI Strategy for Research Infrastructures
- Ronald Shellard (CLAF / CBPF, Brazil): Roundtable
- Jorge Tezon (Development Manager of CONICET, Argentina): Roundtable
- Mark Thomson (Executive Chair of Science and Technology Facilities Council-STFC, UK): STFC and GSO Strategy for Research Infrastructures
Roundtable: How Latin American research funding agencies could work together on sharing and strategizing on Research Infrastructures? (Part I)
- João Luiz Azevedo (President of CNPq, Brazil)
- Benjamín Marticorena Castillo (CONICYT, Peru)
- Sebastián Eslava (Director of Innovation and Technological Development of Colciencias, Colombia)
- Claudia M. Guerrero Monteza (Directora de Cooperación Internacional of SENACYT, Panama)
- Oscar Cóbar Pinto (General Secretary of CYTED – (session chair))
Roundtable: How Latin American research funding agencies could work together on sharing and strategizing on Research Infrastructures? (Part II)
- Andres Lopez (National Contact Point of CONICYT, Chile)
- Oscar Cóbar Pinto (General Secretary of CYTED – (session chair))
- Martha Rosas (Acting Director for International Cooperation in CONACYT, Mexico)
- Ronald Shellard (CLAF / CBPF, Brazil)
- Jorge Tezon (Gerente de Desarrollo of CONICET, Argentina)
- Marcela Carena (Fermilab & University of Chicago, USA)
Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz (FAPESP & UNICAMP, Brazil)
Marta Losada (Universidad Antonio Narino, Colombia)
Fernando Quevedo (ICTP-Trieste, Italy and Cambridge University, UK)
Rogerio Rosenfeld (IFT-UNESP/ICTP-SAIFR, Brazil)
Videos & Files
Latin American Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure
Latin American Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure – Day 1
Day 1 Program:
- Marcelo Yamashita (IFT-UNESP)
- Nathan Berkovits (ICTP-SAIFR)
- Coffee break
- Unesco Perspectives, Lidia Brito, Director, UNESCO Montevideo Office
- Lunch
- How Latin American research funding agencies could work together on sharing and strategizing on Research Infrastructures? (Part I)
- Oscar Cóbar Pinto, General Secretary, CYTED (session chair)
- João Luiz Azevedo, President, CNPq, Brazil
- Sebastián Eslava, Director of Innovation and Technological Development, Colciencias, Colombia
- Claudia M. Guerrero Monteza, Directora de Cooperación Internacional, SENACYT, Panamá
- Benjamín Marticorena Castillo, CONICYT, Peru
- Coffee break
- How Latin American research funding agencies could work together on sharing and strategizing on Research Infrastructures? (Part II)
- Oscar Cóbar Pinto, General Secretary, CYTED (session chair)
- Andres Lopez, NCP of CONICYT for Research Infrastructure, Chile
- Martha Rosas, Acting Director for International Cooperation in CONACYT Mexico
- Ronald Shellard, CLAF
- Jorge Tezon, Gerente de Desarrollo, CONICET, Argentina
- Open discussion for next steps – C.H. Brito Cruz and F. Quevedo
- End of Day 1
Latin American Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure – Day 2
Day 2 Program:
- Reports from country representatives I :
- Coffee break
- Reports from country representatives II:
- Lunch
- Procedures and timelines for the proposal of a strategy
- Coffee break
- End of Day 2
Program: PDF updated on April 25, 2019 LIVE VIDEO STREAM LINKS: April 30 May 1
Additional Information
Registration: ALL participants should register. The registration will be on April 30 at the institute at 08:30 am.
List of Participants: Updated on May 02, 2019
Visa information: Nationals from several countries in Latin America and Europe are exempt from tourist visa. Nationals from Australia, Canada, Japan and USA can apply for an e-visa through VSF Global. Please check here which nationals need a tourist visa to enter Brazil.
Accommodation: Participants, whose accommodation will be provided by the institute, will stay at The Universe Flat. Hotel recommendations are available here
How to reach the Institute: The workshop will be held at ICTP South American Institute, located at IFT-UNESP, which is across the street from a major bus and subway terminal (Terminal Barra Funda). The address which is closer to the entrance of the IFT-UNESP building is R. Jornalista Aloysio Biondi, 120 – Barra Funda, São Paulo. The easiest way to reach us is by subway or bus, please find instructions here.