ICTP-SAIFR Competition for Young Physicists



Every year since 2004, the Competition for Young Physicists offers cash prizes to the best undergraduate students. The students are selected through a written exam administered by ICTP-SAIFR in the city of São Paulo in the building of IFT-UNESP. The questions are written in English, and the answers can be in English or Portuguese.

Exam date in 2024: July 27, 2024 (Saturday), 9:30 am
Exam location: IFT-UNESP (4th floor auditorium)

Cash prizes: First place – 1000 reais, Second place – 800 reais, Third place – 600 reais, Fourth place – 400 reais, Fifth place – 200 reais.

In the week before the exam, the school Perimeter-SAIFR-IFT Journeys into Theoretical Physics is organized for students in the last year of undergraduate studies. The top students are invited to participate in a joint Master’s program with Perimeter Institute (Waterloo, Canada). More information on this school can be found at: https://journeys.ictp-saifr.org/

To participate, candidates need to register before July 20, 2024 by filling out the Registration Form on this webpage. Candidates approved for the Perimeter-SAIFR-IFT Journeys into Theoretical Physics school are automatically registered for the ICTP-SAIFR Competition for Young Physicists and do not need to fill out this form.



Click HERE to open the registration form.

Registration deadline: July 20, 2024


About the registration:
Candidates need to be enrolled in an undergraduate program in order to win a cash prize, but any student can take the exam.
Registration is done online using the link on this website and candidates need to fill out their name, birth date, identification number (RG or passport), year of undergraduate studies, institution.

About the exam:
The written exam will last 3 ½ hours, and have questions at the undergraduate level on Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics/Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Special Relativity and Mathematical Physics. Only registered students carrying an identification document with photo can take the exam. During the exam, it is not allowed the use of notes, books, computers, calculators cellphones or internet.


Registration Form


Click HERE to open the registration form.

Registration deadline: July 20, 2024


Exam date: July 27, 2024 (Saturday), 2pm
Exam location: IFT-UNESP (4th floor auditorium)


Winners & Previous Exams